Tuesday 9 August 2011

Testing the boots...

so, one consequence of breaking my left heel years ago is that I could do with heavy boots in summer as well as winter - except they are MEGA heavy and also quite hot...so I have been using trainers (my trail shoes got lots of use on the Scotland trip) and they are brilliant...although I have a limp like Herr Flick of the Gestapo (type 'Allo 'Allo into You Tube if you don't get that reference) every morning...so the solution presented itself on the way back from Scotland. Nevisport in Fort Bill had lovely trainers with high ankles. I got a pair and decided to test them out before I go back north next Wednesday. That, and the gorgeous forecast coupled with an appalling weather forecast tomorrow and for the rest of the week as well!!!

As you can see - there have been worse days.

So, I parked at Mardale Head and wandered along the lakeshore for about 1km until I left and ascended up Rough Crag. Wainwright described this as the best way onto High Street, and he is (as usual) probably right....Blea Tarn (in the first picture above) looked splendid and the view from the top was amazing (as can be seen from the second picture)..

From the summit, I descended over Mardale Ill Bell and dropped down to the Nan Bield Pass, the head of which is in the last picture. As can be seen the path is well made - it seems to have been totally reconstructed in point of fact. This will make navigation easier in the mist/winter but does seem to be a bit of overkill. As I was feeling really good and the day was lovely I made the 400' ascent onto Harter Fell, where I soaked up the views of the Howgill Fells and distant Ingleborough and Pendle Hill; oh and I scoffed my cheese sandwiches as well!!

The descent down Gatesgarth was lovely as usual - it seemed busy to me although given that it is the summer holidays it was probably not that busy. I reckon I saw about 20 people today - and by saw I mean passed, overtook and was able to say "hello" etc to....considerably more than Claire and I saw during all our days in the NW Highlands put together.....


go check out..

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