Friday 30 October 2009

Aching and in pain this morning...

tried my first road run for a while yesterday...set off at quite a decent pace and felt ok (this is a relative term as those who know the hill will understand!!) on the climb of Beacon Edge. However my right knee started to hurt a bit on the still a little unsure as to what kind of strapping it needs and I probably do some more of the strengthing work as well.

Tired and sore this morning - however a gentle yoga session will help I hope before I depart for Newcastle...

Tuesday 27 October 2009


Was down in Manchester last week for a course on Thursday. Due to abysmal train times (not REALLY a great incentive for people to use public transport) I elected to go down on Wed night and stay with Janet and Rob...

Weird thing about the journey was when I hit the M60/Manchester airport junction and encountered stationary traffic...this is not something that we see in Cumbria at all...was a weird feeling and one that I can't say that I have missed since I left Leeds...

On a different note, have started the application form for Teacher Training and head to Carlisle tomorrow to the Open Day...

Monday 26 October 2009

The group in Marrakech...

Now its half-term and I might have a little time I will post some more on this trip...those who have seen the slide show will know a bit more already. All I can say is that the group really helped, a great bunch who contributed a lot to the trip...

An interesting birthday weekend...

Gill took me away this weekend to a superb B & B that she had discovered whilst walking Hadrians Wall..Leazes Head Farm comes highly recommended - especially to those who like cats as they about 7 or so!!

Saturday meant a nice walk from Housesteads to Steel Rigg and back, before a look around the very interesting Chesters Fort just by Chollerford in Northumberland. Sunday dawned much windier and so we became historical tourists with trips to Birdoswald Fort and Carlisle Castle; the latter is actually very interesting indeed.

Having arrived back at Gill's and been shouted at by the cats for leaving them inside all weekend, we then noticed that there seems to be a slight water leak in the house - luckily it is half term so my next task after finishing this blog is to call a plumber out and see what we can find. Oh, and the boys elected to bring us back a few presents; the live mouse is still somewhere in the lounge but at least we got the bird out!!

Sunday 18 October 2009

A frenetic weekend...

of a different sort - Gill's parents, Aunt and Uncle have all come up for the weekend - so lots of running around and mad dashing here and there...a bit different from what has gone before.

On a different note; I have put together a slide show on the High Atlas experience that I am hoping to get up on this and Picassa in the very near future..

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Bike at the shop...

First of a few pix from the trip I'll publish....when I get my website up and running will hope to publish a whole lot more...

Took Marvin to the shop today - not sure what the damage will be literally or metaphorically. Meanwhile, am slowly starting to get things washed and/or is slowly returning to what passes for normal!

Monday 12 October 2009

Back to work....

and back from Morrocco, which was pretty amazing in almost every way..

LOTS more details later