Sunday 18 September 2011

I'm back....

sorry for the lack of posts in quite some time. The new term has started and with the training course I have OCEANS of paperwork to do; not to mention observing lots of lessons; having lots of meetings and teaching a year 7 class.

Anyway, it was good to get out today - especially having had two utter monsoons in Penrith on Friday and Saturday which had not mad the cellar any
 better either, stress and time spent sorting that out which I could well do without - ho hum.
So, with a nice morning finally dawning we drove down to Mardale Head; planning a nice jaunt up Harter Fall - a good 3 hr or so leg stretch; ideal for knackered and unfit people.

I didn't have much zip at first - and the climb up Gatesgarth is quite steep. However; some nice light helped for photo's..which you can see here:

Anyway, we had a nice walk and both felt a lot better for it....the weather pretty much held, apart from a brief gusty squall as we started the descent - nicely fuelled with xmas cake!!

This picture here is taken from very near the bottom of the pass and shows the autumnal and changeable day it was -  the leaves are turning and the hillside is getting very brown....

Friday 2 September 2011

Last days.....

of the long summer break - although it has been rather a busy break for me this time around.

I was up at the school I start working at on Monday yesterday - BRAND spanking new and rather nice...still the same old IT staff though as they wouldn't give me the password to get onto the internet with the Macbook Air...hope they will on Monday.

Will still be blogging about my doings - although I feel that the next 10 months are going to be VERY busy.