Friday 18 July 2014

Still around...

Blogger and I have been having some issues - especially around photo's and the changes that they have made to the blog...part of the reason for lack of posts recently. I was debating moving to another blog host and/or setting up my own website; I may get round to doing that in due course...however.

Part of the other reason was lots of work - teaching at a variety of schools has kept me busy. That has now finished and Claire and I are looking forward to 2 weeks away from tomorrow - as the weather seems to get a lot more changeable - grr...Most likely destination will be Scotland; speaking of which.....

As is the norm we spent the Whitsun bank holiday (end of May) in Scotland in Suilvan. We actually had some reasonable weather and I am going to try and do some posts on those days - with some pictures; today....