Tuesday 15 June 2010

Of 10km's and training...

did a second 10km on Saturday...if the course on Wed was flat and conducive to quick times (shame I ran so conservatively...) the one at Bendrigg was NOT...the last 1km was pretty much nearly all uphill with a truly sick finishing hill; known as Hamburger Hill....

Here the multi-sport athlete comes into his/her own...whilst the runners with the upper body power of a jelly are walking up the hill the multi-sport athlete repeats the mantra of 'arms drive the legs' and runs up..passing about 3 people on the final hill who could no more throw down a pitch of climbing than fly to the moon unaided.......oh yeah!

I ran a much better race running consistent 5min km's for the first 5-6 km and speeding up for the last section of the race. I do not know my exact time as of now; however it was around the 49 minute time (certainly under 50min) which is pretty good on one of the sicker 10km courses around......

Went running tonight...managed a couple of semi-intervals up the long climb from the Langwathby road to the top of Beacon Edge...not sure how fast I am running really; just don't seem to have the 'oomph' to push it whilst training on foot compared to the bike...I feel the same when I climb on a wall as opposed to outside...speaking of which that is tomorrow if the weather holds, which it should. Not sure what the problem is running as I am going to have do some specific speed training to get under 45min on hilly courses....or maybe I just need some more races and to practice a little Vegard......

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